Seriously, What Are
They Smoking In Iowa?
A cogent, though sometimes weak, argument
can be made for just about any of the Republican candidates in the Iowa race EXCEPT
Ron Paul. Yet astonishingly, the latest
Iowa polls show Paul in the lead – REALLY?!!
Is there something in the water? Have
they mixed marijuana in with burning corn?
Are they kidding……?
Now as a northeasterner I admit to
very little experience with the Midwest, though I did work in Kansas for awhile
and the people there seemed pretty normal.
So I am at a loss to explain (or
mentally justify) how ANYONE could be supporting Ron Paul – much less have him
leading in the polls. Help me through
this – they know they are electing the person they feel is best equipped to
both beat Barak Obama AND be President of The United States, right? Ok, so maybe they can ignore the fact that
Ron Paul believes that Iran having a nuclear weapon is irrelevant (Obama seems
to believe that too). Maybe than can
ignore the fact that Ron Paul gives credence to those who believe that 9/11 may
have been a CIA plot. Let’s say we can
even ignore the fact that Paul has publicly stated that he would, as POTUS, pardon all non-violent drug dealers and pimps. Let’s even assume that publicly stating that
Israel should not exist does not make him an anti-Semite (nor does the fact
that he would not have intervened in the Holocaust, nor would he help defend
Israel from attack). Let’s even ignore
that in 35 years in Congress he has not passed a single major piece of
legislation. Let’s leave all those
trivial things aside for the moment.
Iowa is saying that they want a man
with Ron Paul’s racist background to be the Republican standard bearer against
this nation’s first black President. Now
folks, here is what has been written under Ron Paul’s name (I do not say
written by Ron Paul because he denies having written these statements despite
the fact that they went out under his name, he profited from them for 10 years
to the tune of millions of dollars, and he will not identify who did write
“The criminals who terrorized our cities — in
riots and on every non-riot day — are not exclusively young black males, but
they largely are.” - Ron

“If you have ever been robbed by a black teenaged
male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be.”- Ron Paul
“even in my little town of Lake Jackson, Texas,
I’ve urged everyone in my family to know how to use a gun in self defense, for the
animals are coming.” –
Ron Paul
In the
1990s, he described Dr. King as a
He even
claimed – without a hint of proof – that Dr. King “made a pass at” fellow civil
rights warrior Ralph Abernathy, who succeeded King as president of the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference
regard to the passage of a national holiday for Dr. King, Paul commented:
“What an infamy Ronald Reagan
approved it!” He added, “We can thank him for our annual Hate Whitey Day.”-Ron
It is
absolutely irrelevant whether one believes Ron Paul wrote these things or not
(though it seriously strains credulity to believe that over the course of 10
years he had no knowledge of these writings).
It is equally irrelevant whether one believes that Ron Paul was ever or
is currently a racist. What IS important
is that a man with this demonstrably racist past cannot be set up to run against
our country’s first black President. The
issue in such a campaign would most certainly not be the President’s record in
office, but rather, whether or not we are a racist nation. I submit with great confidence that Ron Paul
could not win a single state vs. Barak Obama yet Iowa wants him for the
Republican nominee??!!!
So what
goes on here? Are we to assume that
Iowans are so stupid that they can be easily manipulated by Ron Paul’s legion of mind-numbed robots? Is the entire state filled with white
supremacists? Are the cows responding to
the polls? One thing is for certain, if
Iowa elects Ron Paul, the country will recover but Iowa will never regain any
prominence in another election and John Huntsman’s comment about them “picking
corn in Iowa and Presidents in New Hampshire,” will be prophetic.
other day there was an internet rumor going around that one of the candidates
asked, “what the hell is going on in Iowa, are they crazy? Lights on nobody home?” This rumor could not be confirmed so it was
probably just a rumor, but even so, if Iowa elects Paul – it will be absolutely
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